Becky Lynch you are the reason why I am back at writing this blog and I am going to start a company of my own. And now I am a Wrestling Journalist for hire. I know this inside scoop for professional wrestling with the Women's Division of the WWE and it all starts with Becky Lynch. Becky, Becky, Becky, Becky you can't even get that right. Why don't you tell us the truth Becky and you couldn't even get the Instagram story right. I was Facebook and it was all from my blog of this Temple of Wrestling.
I was at my local bar down on my luck and I didn't care any more about anything and I had nothing to lose and you contacted me. I remember giving you storylines and firing yourself up you will put Shawn Michaels over, but you won't put over me and you didn't. And You go after Sasha on where she was for 4 months. Tell them all about the conversations you had with me for that brief time and the endless obsessive texts that you had. I had to Block you Becky for it. And now you found a new man. Someone you knew was my favorite at the time. Seth Rollins and everyone knows it from my earlier blogs for those who remember.
Here is the story. I was at my local bar and then I gave her her fire back. I told her about how her defeat about Bayley had humiliated her and she knew it. Becky was nothing on the roster she was at site a mid card and then someone like me a fan came and fueled her and then the women's division flamed because of it. And as I listen to Kenny Omegas theme right now it is a reminder to the WWE they are coming and WWE you don't need a leader like Becky going into Battle You need Sasha Banks.
Right now she is hungry and determined and has a fire like no tomorrow. And she is more hungrier then you Becky even had her own friend turn on you for good reason. Becky you knew I lit a match in you and then I was reminded yesterday what happened and your plan didn't start with Nia hitting you in your nose it started after Survivor Series 2017 and you went away so defeated, but no it's something on Instagram why don't you tell the truth Becky. If that is what you call yourself.
Besides I hope the new faction of Sasha, Bayley, Nikki, and Alexa try to kick your ass and I hope Charlotte sides with them she tried to warn me about her. And it wasn't Charlottes fault. Why don't you all ask her she is telling the truth.
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