Thursday, November 30, 2017

What Made DDP a Great Wrestler in WCW from a Fans Perspective?

I know there are others that may doubt his skill or personality, but DDP had the It Factor then.

DDP was the underdog then and Hogan choose him to feud with out of all people. For Hogan to feud with DDP, he had to have been a special individual. During the nWo feud with DDP, DDP kept on getting beat down, but his resilience not to quit and keep fighting made him respected amongst others. People wanted to root for him. He was one of my favorites then.

Back then I liked the Lone Wolf Scott Hall and I liked Ric Flair, but one of my favorites then was DDP for his resilience. I always rooted for the underdog then and DDP was the underdog. He had classic feuds. Macho Man had helped him out with his feud. They knew he worked very hard.

He was 49 and 50, but still working hard to be the best he could be. He never gave up on his dream. He listened to what the American Dream Dusty Rhodes told him as he said. And he focused to become champion. The American Dream Dusty Rhodes saw something in him that nobody did at the time and they built him up to be great. And he kept working.

DDP rose through the ranks. My favorite matches I saw with him were his battles with Macho Man Randy Savage. They had an epic feud. I was also happy to see DDP wrestle at a WCW. It was the Jersey Triad vs. Hulk Hogan and Goldberg. I was happy to have seen Hulk, Goldberg, and DDP wrestle a time of my life I won't forget. If you still hear the footage on the WWE Network and that event you will hear someone scream DDP vaguely, that was me.
He knew how to be a good guy and then a heel, but then the Millionaires club hit, and soon WCW faded.

DDP later went to WWE never to get the claim to fame as he did in WCW, his prime past, but he later on went to do DDP Yoga. I know some would say he does things for his own image and we all have ego's including me, nobody is perfect. All that matters is that he is an agent of helping to those who need it. He did good for Jake and tried to help those who needed it.

We are not saints in life, all we can do is the best we can do with our life. DDP reinvented himself into something that people can respect. Sometimes we may feel we are going all over the place and have no direction, but then sometimes things fall into place and we find our purpose again, even if it isn't what we expected or planned.

Nobody expected DDP to become Three Time WCW Heavyweight Champion, but he did it. He achieved his goal and he ran with the torch. WCW was fading in the blue then, and it was a sink going down, but he tried his best to carry the burden. Maybe he drew the lowest rating with Ric Flair, but he tried. And at the end of the day as long as they tried that's all that matters.

Still to this days fans wish WCW was around. Competing with WWE made both programs great. But I will write more on this on other blogs.

I have other recommendations if you like DDP or WCW.

Old 90's Gimmick tag teams in WWE Now Have to Go

WWE now has a Plethora of old 90's gimmick tag teams that have potential, but got to go.

First Ascension

Ascension has a kick ass gimmick from the past, but they have made them weak from the Fashion Files. Now they are a joke. When I think of Ascension, I think of teams like in between Demolition and Powers of Pain. They could be a dominant tag team if they let them loose. I would love to see a feud with The Bludgeon Brothers, but I will get to them next.

Second: The Bludgeon Brothers.

Promos looked good in the beginning. Don't see where it is going and where is there a payoff. Harper is far more talented to be in his situation. He reminds me of a Bruiser Brody. Rowan could be dominant to. The Gimmick is good, but it doesn't fit them especially after the Wyatts. Unless they claimed to be Vikings and conquer and just destroyed everyone that would be cool. But they should have a gimmck like Kronik in WCW. Their outfits should be much cooler.

Third: Breezango.

They were getting over with their fruity selves. And I enjoyed seeing the detective Fandango in the ring he was talented and when Tyler Breeze dressed up with his moppy character it got over, they added comedy relief and they won. Then all of a sudden they dropped it just to focus on the Fashion Files which is getting bland, If I was writing the Fashion Files it would be different. I know their is a Payoff I want to see where it is going.

Four: Benjamin and Gable:

Benjamin is a singles wrestler and Gable should be elevated to at least fighting for the US Title. Instead he is in the same spot when his counterpart who every can't stand including me is getting all the good matches. While Gable is left behind. I would love for Gable to fight Jordan at Survivor Series next year. I know Gable is better. But if I had something to say to help Jordan keep on working on your injured knee. Your injured knee could be like the cast to Bob Orton.

Five: Anderson and Gallows should be on Smackdown

I like Anderson and Gallows, but they are lost without a leader. They are more powerful with maybe an AJ Styles, a Finn Balor, or etc. If anything Balor should come over to and Jinder and his group should go to Raw for a trade. Jinder is good, but would be better in Raw, but needs to wrestle more. Plus I think Smackdown has good talent to rise now with what they are developing.

Raw has good plotlines, but their is a lot of work that needs to be done.

My up and coming posts I will discuss about wrestling and the various plotlines some past and some present we shall see where this leads.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

The Adventures of Miz, Goldust, and Big Show: The Yard Episode

The Miz, Goldust, and Big Show are backstage at a show. And they see Dean Ambrose walk in. Big Show starts to pick a fight with Dean Ambrose. Dean walked into Big Show.

Big Show: Dean you should watch where you are going.

Miz added: Yeah Dean.

Goldust attacked Dean from behind as the Drifter just played on.

The Big Show choke slammed Dean Ambrose and Goldust gave Dean the shattered dreams. The Miz was just taunting him.

Dean was in pain and said I want all three. I want all three.

Dean went in the trainers room and Kurt Angle walked in.

Kurt Angle: Dean I heard you got beat up. How are you.

Dean; I don't care. I will take on all three of them.

Kurt Angle: Dean, I will not let you take on all three at the same time, but if you could find two tag team partners and I know they are available, you can have that match tonight.

Dean: I know who to ask.

The Drifter started to play.

Dean: Definitely not you, I mean you could even open for Volbeat, what makes you think you could sing in the WWE.

The Drifter just grunted.

Dean walks out limping holding his genital region after shattered dreams said. : Hey Seth I know we had our issues and I know that I beat you for the World Title, but is it possible we could team against The Golden Era.

Seth Rollins: Hey Dean no offense we are competing against guys like Samoa Joe or Finn Balor. We are not delegated to feud with the Miz. What's in it for me.

Dean: I handle your Samoa Joe problems, just handle my Drifter problems.

Seth: Ok Dean, but I think you are still out of your mind.

Dean: You know there is one more person that I have to ask

Seth: Roman Reigns.

Before they get there Dean is doing a 10 Minute Promo on himself.

Roman to himself posing: This is my Yard. No one will take My Yard this is My Yard. I live in my Yard. I wrestle in my Yard. I pee in MY Yard. This is my Yard.

Roman kept going.

Dean and Seth walk in.

Roman: This is my Yard.

Seth: Ok Roman calm down.

Roman: But this is my Yard.

Dean: Only Yard I know is a yard a dog pee's in. Do you pee in your yard are you The Dog from WCW.

Roman: This is my Yard. (Grunting)

Dean: Ok Roman somebody is trying to trash your yard and they are Goldust, Miz, and Big Show. I think leuding in some kind of way.


Seth: It's ok Roman you can team with us and save your Yard. For us. Bring back The Shield once more.

Roman: On one condition. You help me deal with Braun.

Seth: Isn't he injured.

Roman: I don't care. He is not welcome in my Yard.

Dean: Who is?

Roman Reigns: Pulls out a Rabbit. This guy right here. He is welcome in my Yard.

Dean: I think he is one fry short of a happy meal Seth.

Seth: Isn't that what they said about you.

They left to prepare for their match just like that The Shield was back together. And Miz would be up to his tricks next week now they were easy to pull.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The Adventures of The Miz, Big Show and Goldust: The Table for 3

This is fictious, but some is based on fact. This could be a serious one, but it will build the bond in this one. Enjoy reading.

Vince being Vince paired up The Miz up with Breezango, but The Miz who didn't like his tag team he was paired up with didn't know that Goldust had friction with his team. And little did the know chaos would happen in the match.

Goldust and R Truth had been fighting through the match and then he turned on him and Dean and then The Miz turned on Breezango and sold him down the river Goldust started to help The Miz out. They had a lot in common. Both had portrayed themselves to be stars and they just clicked.

Just as tag teams some have to end and The Golden Truth was no more. It was up there with when the Rockers broke up. Just as things happen.

Goldust had resentment over that part of his character. He was humiliated he had to be the joke much like Big Show. He was talented and The Miz, Goldust, and The Big Show formed a bond and a faction.

They didn't want to be jokes anymore. They didn't want to be laughed at they wanted to be taken seriously. The three had this dialogue in Table for 3 and it sparked a unit as a stable.

Eating Dinner.

Big Show: This is good food what is it?

Goldust: Some kind of beef, I don't know.

The Miz: Why is everyone so down.

Big Show: It is our end of our careers and we are still consider jokes for what we do and we are reminded. We are truly not at our potential.

Goldust: I know how you feel, I nearly lost a relationship with my Dad over my gimmick.

The Miz: (Breaks out of Kay Fabe) That had to have been tough. I know I was played to be this obnoxious character, but I fell off the ladder to and when you get older, newer stars come and it is tougher to stay relevent.

Big Show: Yeah, I have a lot of respect for Dusty. He got me started. He taught me to make anything work and I took a lot from him.

The Miz: Tell us about your character Goldust. What really irks you about it.

Goldust. When I was a fan growing up I watched older wrestling and I heard about the likes of Gorgeous George. He wasn't gay, but he put out an outlandish gimmick and was hated. And then Adrian Adonis, but he was ruined after awhile. These characters were my favorite. They pioneered the sport of wrestling. I wanted to be that character to be racy and as a kid I acted. However, I didn't see the damage that it would do to my family and my relationship with my dad whom I respected. It was only years later that we patched things up. I still miss him. He was one of a kind.

It was only years later I would realize that I didn't have to do the gimmick it just stuck. But as many things I would never break the glass ceiling and become champion based on how I was perceived. The did this with Billy and Chuck, They are doing this with Breezango, They are talented, but they get catogorized and labeled. I was labeled as gay or weird after awhile and this hurts if you want to be champion.

The Miz: I broke the ceiling once.

Goldust: How did you do that?

The Miz: It wasn't easy. I did what I had to do the talent pool wasn't like it was now and they took a chance on a midcarder as they are taking a chance on Jinder now. And I became champ and I had my WrestleMania moment as I beat John Cena. Then a few weeks later I wasn't champion and someone else was and I was midcard it was tough to rise again and break the ceiling. It isn't easy.

Big Show: I came from WCW to WWE and I was inserted in the Main Event picture,but shortly after my role fell and I fell underneath the glass ceiling and was made fun of for what I did. I tried to make people laugh, but they only made fun of me. It is hard being a Giant. Andre went through the same thing, but Andre had the It factor. They wanted me to be like Andre, but I was the Big Show. I tried to poke fun at myself, but I have maybe a run or two left. I know I will be back in the picture but it gets difficult when you are older. Look at Taker.

Goldust: Another great who hung it up.

The Miz: I guess growing old is tough for the wrestler.

Big Show: When they hang it up.

Goldust: When we hang it up.

The Miz: We have to keep fighting on.

Goldust: That is like life.

The Miz: Hey how about lets be a faction, we have a lot in common.

Big Show: We would have to get it past Vince.

Goldust: We would be The Golden Show. Just like on the Cinema in the olden days and it would be the Goldust character that I wanted to be, not what I was.

Big Show: Same here Goldie. Same here.

The Miz: Let's not be down. This is just the beginning of something good.

Big Show: Or terrible, It all depends.

They ended the Table for 3 with some kind of bond and they were going to travel to Chicago where they would feud with Dean Ambrose and whomever.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

The Adventures of The Miz and Maryse: WWE Backstage Meeting.

In this fictitious episodic series for as long as this can go. The Miz, Maryse, Kurt Angle, Dean Ambrose, and for some odd reason Brutus Beefcake arrived at the arena and Vince McMahon called a meeting of the talent before the show.

Vince McMahon look around the room and spoke: We are going to have a good show tonight just follow the cues. Roman your going to go over on Braun tonight. They are going to hate you, but feed into it. It will be a heel turn down the road and we are building it up. Big Show you are going to be in a Handicap match against Rhyno and Heath Slater and you are going over it will make you look stronger going into your match against Roman next week setting up the feud. Then he saw Brutus.

Turned to Brutus: What are you doing here Brutus? Are you no longer employed in this company. (Vince getting Vince) Shouldn't you be in the stands it's not legends night.

Dean Ambrose: Actually he is with me.

Vince: I write the script not you Dean.

Dean actually it got approved by the GM Kurt Angle.

Vince: Kurt you have explaining to do? Why is Brutus here?

GM Kurt Angle: Well Boss it's a funny story. Brutus was at Hogan's house and he was in The Miz's car, they wound taking him on a road trip and then Dean and The Miz got in drag race, Dean's car broke down around Pittsburgh and they started to drive and they picked me. Funny story.

Vince: But why is Brutus here?

The Miz: Eh Tu Bruti. Eh Tu Bruti.

Finlay: (In an Irish accent.) Isn't that what Caesar said to Brutus before he killed him.

Dean Ambrose: In the Miz's case they were making Caesar salad.

Vince: Hey Brutus why are you here and why is The Miz dressing in drag does he have a fetish. Good idea The Miz that is your newest gimmick you will team with Breezango.

The Miz: But Boss they are to weird for me they will detect areas on me I don't want detected. Only Maryse can do that.

Fandango: This is Funnnndaaannnggoo, Exxxxxaaaaccctttllllyyy MIIIIIIIZZZZZZZ.

The Miz: I feel like The Mountie going to Jail on one of the Pay Per Views in the 90's

Look who is backstage in Ohio it's Jerry Seinfeld. (Camera is rolling)

Jerry Seinfeld: I think this whole scene looks gay. Not that there is anything wrong with it.

The Miz: Are you insinuating that I am gay Jerry.

Jerry: I wasn't insinuating anything.

Wrestlers holding The Miz back and said: Let me tell you something you has been never was comedian you think you can out joke me your jokes weren't good then and they aren't good now. And I'll tell you what I think and I'll tell you what jokes are funny.

Jerry: It looks like you are getting agitated I guess you are gay: Not that there is anything wrong with it.

At this point The Miz goes ape shit and loses it.

Darren Young walks in to calm The Miz down real life person who has dealt with struggles of being a gay professional wrestler and Bob Backlund his coach was with him.

Darren Young: Miz I understand your struggles, I've been through hell I know how you feel buddy. I coped through it with humor it got me through many of times. And I had help through my coach Bob Backlund he has helped me out.

Bob Backlund: We are going to make Darren Young great again.

The Miz: I am not gay.

Seinfeld: Not that there is anything wrong with it.

Bob Backlund: Face your fears Miz. You can do it. It is a brave man to come out and speak what's on your mind. Free yourself.

Maryse: But Miz, is there something you are not telling me.

The Miz: I am not gay Maryse. You have nothing to worry about.

The Miz turns to everyone.: When my hand goes up. Your mouth goes shut. Now you listen to me you no good has been celebrity, old timer, poor excuse of a wrestler and Dean Ambrose. If this is a Rib on me it is not funny. I am not laughing.

Vince: The Miz get control of yourself or you will be off the show. You are leader like it or not and have to work with Breezango. If you don't like it YOURRRRRRRRRREEEEE FIIIIIIIRRRRRREEEEDDD.

Dean Ambrose: How about lets make it a six man tag match I have a tag team that might go against them.

The Miz: Who is that?

Dean: The Golden Truth.

The Miz: Your on Dean. I'll take my team and beat your team.

Episode 4 will be setting up the match of Dean Ambrose and The Golden Truth vs. The Miz and Breezango.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

The Adventures of The Miz and Maryse: The Tale of Brutus Beefcake and Dean Ambrose

In the tale of The Adventures of the nWo B Team new adventures emerge. It is Adventures of The Miz and Maryse a fictitious episodic series on a Blog for those who really care.

Where we last left off Brutus the Barber Beefcake was in the car going on a road trip to Ohio where The was ready to fight Dean Ambrose in Intercontinental Title on a Poll Match.

Brutus The Barber Beefcake: Hey Miz.

The Miz: What are you doing here? This is my car.

Brutus: I was wondering the same thing. What am I doing here? Could you tell me?

The Miz: I was asking you.

Brutus: You were.

The Miz: Yes.

Brutus: Now I remember. Hogan told me you needed a haircut and a barber.

The Miz: No. Now why would I need a barber?

Maryse: But Miz, You're Hair is kind of long.

The Miz: I have to check with my agents first before anything.

Brutus: I heard you are fighting Dean Ambrose. You need any pointers.

The Miz: Brutus Beefcake, Managed by Lucious Johnny V, Former Tag Team Champion with Greg Valentine, Lost the Tag Titles to the British Bulldogs at WrestleMania 2, Resurfaced again shaving off the head of Adrian Adonis at WrestleMania 3. Had a crappy show on Superstars or Challenge called The Barber Shop. Resurfaced again in WCW as the Booty Man, and Resurfaced hiding his identity as The Disciple and we have never heard from you again. Now why are you in my car Brutus?

Brutus: You know those words hurt and if it was years ago I would beat you senseless and cut your hair, but I am older now and I have taught everything I know to Dean Ambrose. He will use the sleeper hold now. And I have given him my scissors. I will be in his corner when you fight him to make the score even.

The Miz: Are you insane? Giving the Lunatic Fringe a Scissor? Are you crazy?

Brutus: Well I have been hit in the head a few times and I know my brain is more intact then you.

Someone was speeding passing them down the highway. It was Dean Ambrose.

The Miz: WTF.

Maryse: I think it's Dean.

The Miz: Was he trying to lead me into the ditch?

The Miz: Get out Brutus. Just Get Out.

Brutus: But we are in the middle of Pennsylvania.

The Miz: Really. Really.

Dean Ambrose's car breaks down, his engine blew.

He walks in the middle of the night as he spots Miz's car stopped.

Dean Ambrose: Hey Miz, Where are we going?

The Miz: Dean, I am not taking you anywhere is me and Maryse.

Brutus: He is trying to kick me out Dean.

Dean: In the middle of nowhere. I ain't scared of the middle of nowhere. Hey Miz, I got a phone call for you it is from Vince McMahon. Brutus Has the Phone.

The Miz: Really, why would Vince want to speak with me.

Dean: It's urgent. He wasn't happy me waking him up at night, but..

The Miz: But....

Dean: Just answer the Phone.

The Miz answered the Phone.

Jinder Mahal: Who the hell is calling me late? Do you know who I am? I am Jinder Mahal.

The Miz: Jinder I'm sorry.

Jinder Mahal: Your sorry. I'll make you sorry.

The Miz hangs up.

The Miz: Wrong Number Dean.

Dean: But I'm driving your car now Miz.

The Miz: NO

Get in the car Miz and Maryse and Brutus is the front seat.

Dean: Where we going?

The Miz: You know where we are going Dean.

Dean: I don't know I didn't get the memo from WWE.

Dean: Wait I'll call Kurt Angle.

Kurt Angle on the Phone: Who the hell is calling me 3:30 PM in the morning?

Dean: It's Dean. Need a ride to the show. I'm with The Miz, Maryse, and Brutus The Barber Beefcake.

Kurt: Whose car are you driving Dean?

Dean: The Miz's.

Kurt: Does he know your driving his car?

Dean: Actually I'm with him right now.

Kurt: Are you out of your freaking mind.

Dean: Actually a little.

Kurt: How close are you to Pittsburgh?

Dean: Actually we are at your house.

Kurt: Your what. (Pause) Sigh...I'll get ready.

Kurt: Dean did you wake up Jinder Mahal? He wasn't happy.

Dean: I know it was funny.

Dean: Miz, Kurt Angle is coming with us.

The Miz: Oh great.

Dean: And he said It's True. It's Damn True.

Kurt: Now you guys behave. I don't want to separate you.

In a weird set up in the car. Dean Ambrose was driving the car. While Maryse was sitting next to him and Kurt Angle was in between The Miz and Brutus The Barber Beefcake.

They arrived at the Arena in Ohio and they all were greeted by Superstars and Personnel.

This is a tale for another episode of the Adventures of The Miz and Maryse.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

The Adventures of The Miz and Maryse: Spending time at Hulk Hogan's Place Part 1

This is a fictional tale of The Miz and Maryse. I am using there names, but in the creativity stories that I will make up. Enjoy. This is a new series.


It is after WrestleMania in Orlando and The Miz and Maryse have no place to go. Booking was horrible after WrestleMania.

The Miz: This is Not AWESOME. We have no where to stay and it is the day after WrestleMania. What do we do? Totally Not AWESOME.

Maryse: Aren't you friends with Hulk Hogan and he will help. He is in the area. Weren't you a little Hulkamaniac when you were younger?

The Miz: I was not.

Maryse: Didn't you tell me the story of why you got into wrestling that you wanted to be the next Hulk Hogan.


Maryse: But Miz.

The Miz: Ok Maryse. I'll listen to you, but when My Mouth Goes Up, Your Hand Goes Shut.

Maryse: But Miz.


The Miz called Hulk Hogan for help after Maryse convinced him.

Hulk Hogan answered the phone.

Hulk Hogan: Who is this BROTHER?

The Miz: It's The Miz. Could you bail me out I need somewhere to stay. It After WRESTLEMANIA and I don't have a place to stay they screwed me up on booking.

Hulk Hogan: Ok BROTHER.


The Miz and Maryse came over Hulk Hogan's place.

They arrived in 15 minutes.

When The Miz and Maryse arrived Hogan had an identity crises. He didn't know if he was Hollywood or Hulk. The music of Vodoo Child was playing and Hogan was using his belt that he got from JC Penney given to him by Mr. Miyagi and he was strumming it as a guitar.

The Miz: Hi Hulk.

Hollywood Hogan: It's Hollywood Hogan Brother.

The Miz: But I thought I was talking to Hulk.

Hollywood Hogan: I don't know brother. One minute I'm Hulk the next I'm Hollywood.

Brooke Hogan comes in:

Brooke Hogan: Don't you need a Snickers Dad.

The Miz: There is a Huge Problem here and I don't know what it is.

Horace Hogan walks in (Cameo Appearance doesn't say anything just stares at The Miz making him feel uncomfortable.

Brian Knobs is drunk passed out on the couch.

The Miz: What the Hell? Why is Brian Knobs passed out on your couch?

Hollywood Hogan: He has been drinking a lot of Jack and Coke.

Maryse: But Miz, Why is he in his Underwear?

The Miz: I don't know Maryse. This is Not AWESOME.

Hollywood Hogan then shows The Miz and Maryse to their room.

The Miz: Our next show is in Ohio. Not AWESOME.

Maryse: Isn't that your home State.

The Miz: That is Not The Point. I am going to Run into Dean Ambrose there and Dean is a Lunatic. (Breaking Kayfabe) Last time we hung out Dean left me hanging on a pole with my underwear it was embarrassing.

Maryse: How did this happen Miz?

The Miz: Well his girlfriend or wife Renee Young set me up.

Maryse: But Miz.

The Miz: Don't Worry. I was getting ready for a wrestling match.

The Miz: I want Payback.

Maryse: Isn't that the name of the Pay Per View.

The Miz: That is Not The Point.

Hollywood enters the room.

Hollywood Hogan: Is everything ok in here BROTHER?

Hollywood become Terry Bollea now.

Terry Bollea: Let me become Terry for a second. You are a young couple and you are going to have argument. I know the lose to John Cena and Nikki Bella has you upset brother, but don't worry things will work out. I see you have chemistry and that what counts.

The Miz: Are you, an old man giving me advice when your relationship didn't work out. It is not better then me and Maryse.

Maryse: You tell him Miz.

Becomes Hulk again.

Hulk Hogan: I let you into my house and this is what you say. I want you Mayse to get out of my house. Because when it comes crashing down it hurts inside. Besides I am happy with my life and in a better place. What are you going to do brother. What are you going to do when the 24 inch pythons come after you. Whatcha Gonna Do? What are you gonna do?

The Miz: I know when I am not wanted Maryse lets go.

The Miz and Maryse went on their trip to Ohio and little did they know on their way up Brutus Beefcake was on the road trip with them to Ohio. This will be in the next part Road Trip with Brutus Beefcake for no apparent reason.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Five Reasons Why I Don't Like Roman Reigns

I could be writing a blog about how bad and why President Trump is not liked, but lets face it this is a wrestling blog. Anyway besides there are millions of people such as angry women and Muslims alike that are not happy with him at this time, well based on the media on TV. Anyway Besides have you seen what an angry woman looks like a cross between the body of Charlotte Flair, with a pissy look on Roman Reigns face.

This is why I am writing a blog about 10 reasons why I don't like Roman Reigns. I am sure he is a good outstanding family guy, but common he just acts like an asshole on TV and I could find many reasons not to like him.

Here they are:

1. WWE's poor booking of Roman Reigns:

He was the Main Event in WrestleMania when his gimmick as a face was not over. There was no build up to Roman Reigns and Brock Lesner. Clearly that was Dean Ambrose's Year to be in the Main Event, but they dropped the ball. And it was saved by Seth Rollins because they wanted none of them with the belt.

Then the horrible plotline which gave Roman the belt after he beat Sheamus on Raw. The League of Nations were mid carders in a Main Event picture. When they were doing nothing with The Wyatt Family and Bray was ready then. Sheamus only redeemed himself when he was teamed with Cesaro. It leaves me with one of my reasons I don't like him and that is Vince McMahon's Envy over Roman Reigns. He needed the help from a Vince, the League of Nations and everyone to jump him in order to get him over.

Then they book him as a Face against Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho. Enough said.

Then the Rumble. People cheered against Roman after he eliminated Undertaker in asshole fashion and in blatant asshole fashion he cost Braun Strowman his title. Yes Braun devastated Roman afterwards, but both killed each other during the match. Strowman desamated Owens.

2. They book Roman Reigns as a Face.

This has been my biggest complaint. Romans natural attitude is of an asshole and as a face he has made asshole moves and he comes across as an asshole on TV. I emphasis asshole because he doesn't respect anyone and I believe he is troubled. I believe he doesn't respect tradition even though he was brought up in it. That is what he did when he was in The Shield. Destroying Tradition. That is why I can relate him to Randy Orton, but Randy Orton when they let him be the Vipor and act himself he can go. As for Roman he has an edge to him. He can destroy everyone if they let him go. He can have an attitude and he can even team up with Samoa Joe and they can dominate. I can picture Roman as champion, but only as a dominate heel champion. Let him be himself and dominate. He can be apart of the new authority. Have a plotline where Seth has to go through everyone and have Roman turn on Seth when he gets better. Seth can make a good baby face and is doing a good job and his injury makes him only stronger and Finn is coming back soon.

3. Vince's P..... Envy over Roman Reigns:

I get it. Roman is big muscular and everything a man is supposed to be to be in the main plotlines according to Vince McMahon. I get it. But this is ridiculous. He would let plotlines suffer because of his penis envy for Roman. I guess Vince will always like big men.

4. Roman lacks Charisma:

Roman can not cut good promo's and can not sell the pay per view. Pinning Roman as number one face ratings were lost to Smackdown Live. Maybe they will finally give up on the Roman Reigns project and let him relentlously attack someone so he can be a heel for once. and start building Sami Zayn if Seth is out for awhile.

5. Roman's poor attitude.

His lack of respect towards his role. He doesn't not connect with the fans. When you connect you have a personal connection with them. This puts them in that role. I could picture a faction of a Samoa Joe, Roman Reigns, and someone else. I know a Roman turn will come and people will like it.

There are many ways to book him. They have a minor league system that they can bring up a face at any time and build them. They are working with talent everyday. This is what made the Power Plant in the WCW good. I know they tell them what they are looking for, but Triple H knows what to build and how to build. He knows the game He was number one face and number one heel. He brought interest to Daniel Bryan during his run. He was a very good at what he does.

Footage courtesy from the WWE

Basically there are nuggets in reasons why I don't like Roman and why he would make a better heel. I hope Roman Reigns and WWE take note of this. Why lie and tell a story that isn't there. Tell the story that should be there and the one that needs to be told.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

The Six are Picked in the Elimination Chamber

With WrestleMania approaching the road block is the Elimination Chamber for John Cena. However, will it be a foot note and will he feud with someone else by Elimination Chamber time. With the belt he is guaranteed a match with Randy Orton and the looming Wyatts. However, there are 5 others in the Elimination Chamber match.

  1. The Miz
  2. Bray Wyatt
  3. Baron Corbin
  4. Dean Ambrose
  5. AJ Styles
Here is the Rundown of scenarios and commentary on the Matches. First John Cena

1. John Cena: John Cena has been there before many times and they would like a big time match to Headline WrestleMania and John Cena vs. Randy Orton would have an old feel to it and it is as if Vince McMahon is resorting to the past for a Main Event Match. Both stars have been there before and it wouldn't be the first time they would have two big names face each other.

Pros: Both guys are the Veterans and Randy Orton is having one hell of a run with the Wyatts and the storyline is interesting. Randy has improved on his acting role and he plays it well. His acting career has only improved him in plotlines and he could sell the Main Event. He has improved since the Golden Boy that was in The Authority. And he has become a champ that people would want and he could blend in with the New Era in WWE. John Cena is accomplished and would be there for name sake.

Cons: This gives no faith to the new talent coming in. I don't know if Vince would be holding onto the past and giving it to people he trusts, but John Cena doesn't have the same appeal as he would 5 years ago. He was a star that received the Hulk Hogan push. They designed his character. When he was on Smackdown years ago he was himself and he grew and then they made him what they wanted him to be and he had the polarized chants. Because at the time undeniably their was an AJ Styles. John Cena still has a run left, but unfortunately he is in a position that he can't full fledged go heel. This New Era can be an era where more then one guy could run with the ball then one and they might start to accept that.

2.The Miz: The Miz has done well for himself and got himself in Main Event contention and he does deserve to be in main event picture based on the work he has done in and out of ring.

Pros: The Miz vs. Randy Orton: The Miz would return to center stage and be in the Main Event of WrestleMania. It would be a Main Event you wouldn't think of. This would be a battle for who would be the Number one heel in the company.

Cons: However, it looks like Randy is entering the Rumble as face based on the pop he got after eliminating Roman Reigns. Anyone could have eliminated him and it would have looked good. Anyway the reaction that Roman got was when he beat Sheamus, but I am sidetracked. Enough on him. I will discuss more on Roman Reigns tomorrow. It would not have that Main Event feel and The Miz hasn't had the belt long enough to make it a big feel.

3. Bray Wyatt vs. Randy Orton:

Pros: They have been working this storyline for awhile. There is more build to this plotline and it is logically a Main Event that would make sense. It would give Bray Wyatt the Main Event feel. He has been there against John Cena and he has been there against the Undertaker and even featured a segment against the Rock. They have been building this storyline for awhile and it is time to give the belt to Bray to see what he does with his run, but he and his family have not had the opportunity to shine as much as now and it would pin friend vs. friend. Both Orton and Bray have a lot in common their Dad had once fought in the NWA and WWF. Bray's Dad had a great career despite him being not even mentioned. He belongs in the Hall of Fame with what he has done. Both have unique styles which would make the system work.

Cons: Could Bray handle a Main Event scene is he ready for it.

4. Baron Corbin vs. Randy Orton:

Pros: A new match never been done.

Cons: No storyline, wouldn't make sense plotline, Baron is not ready yet. Baron had only one major feud this year. He is not ready.

5. Dean Ambrose vs. Randy Orton:

Pros: Dean is the only Shield member to never to Main Event. And he deserved it one year, but never got it. It all depends on who they are pinning him up against in a WrestleMania Match. Also it makes sense plotline wise. Both have had the belt, but Dean never had that WrestleMania moment and deserves it.

6. AJ Styles vs. Randy Orton:

Pros: It would be a star studded match. Both never had a feud and it would add a feel for the Club vs. the Wyatts. Don't think AJ would love to face Randy Orton the Vipor.

Cons: Nothing bad, wouldn't mind seeing the match.

Here are different scenarios and one person will face Randy Orton still a lot of matches are up in the air. With WrestleMania approaching in less then 60 days and two Pay Per Views left between the shows. They are in Play off time. Each wrestler is fighting for their slot on in WrestleMania. Either they Main Event WrestleMania or they sideline it. And they are going to make it best they can. So far WWE Smackdown Live looks like the better of the two shows.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Joe's Gonna Kill Seth

In TNA there was a saying, Joe's Gonna Kill You. Monday Night, it was Joe's Gonna Kill Seth Rollins. If it was someone to make an Impact the way he did making his way to the main roster it was Samoa Joe.

What do we know about Samoa Joe? In his TNA days he had epic feuds with Kurt Angle, Scott Steiner, and AJ Styles. He was the guy that Kurt Angle went up against when he went in TNA. He was a member of The Main Event Mafia an elite group with Kevin Nash, Booker T, Sting, and Kurt Angle. He has been in the major plotlines especially against the Aces and Eights before they all bailed.

Then Samoa Joe came to NXT where he had epic rivalries with Finn Balor and Shinsake Nakamura. Samoa Joe has had a great career and the same argument could be said with him and AJ Styles. Why was he not on WWE when he should have been there.

Well to give you a history lesson TNA was red hot in a period of time and it fell apart after Jeff Jarrett and shortly after Hogan. I remember I watched TNA before I was happy to see it on TV and the stars that I cared about in a new promotion. So I paid every time it was on Pay Per View. I didn't care I wanted another option besides WWE at the time. To me TNA had the better product in that era. Until they got tied down and many people had issues with one another. TNA is around with their main star Broken Matt Hardy which came out of no where.

Samoa Joe then made his appearances known and WWE kept his appearance on the main roster a surprise. And he jumped Seth Rollins. If it's any way to make an impact have Samoa go over the biggest Baby Face in the company right now. And Samoa Joe has his fan following. You know where the Samoa Joe fans were as the AJ Styles.

Now we have an interesting dynamic in the WWE, the vets are people like AJ and Samoa, but they are new to the WWE and we are about to see what is going to take place in the WWE now that two of the biggest stars of TNA are there and also an added bonus, WWE have Kurt Angle in the company again.

For every mistake and complacency in the WWE, they make up for it. Many thought Samoa would fight John Cena, but they threw everyone off. They pulled off surprises before, but that was a surprise. It is like someone from another federation coming over.

Wrestling has no true surprises any more since the internet and NXT now, but when there is a surprise it is good. It only makes me think Seth is fighting Samoa Joe soon. And Kevin Owens somehow is dropping his belt to Samoa Joe. It is a more interesting match then Kevin Owens and Seth again. The Universal Title picture is becoming interesting.

Let's see if they make Samoa Joe a star or ruin him.

Video clip from WWE Raw last night all credits go to WWE.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Randy Orton Wins the Royal Rumble Match and More Questions are asked Afterwords and comments about Roman Reigns

We saw the debut of a red hot Tye Dillinger from NXT. We didn't not see the debut of a Samoa Joe getting called up to the main roster. and No real big surprises. They could have spared a Calisto for some more spots for up and coming talent. Still the favorites didn't win, the underdogs didn't win, and some surprises did happen in the Rumble.

For example, I didn't expect John Cena to win his 16th title and dethrone AJ Styles, this leaves his slot up in the air during WrestleMania and he is guaranteed another title match afterwards. This caught me by surprise because I thought the WWE would put faith into AJ who has held that show of Smackdown up and ratings were good because of him. I'm not sure if it was a trading wins or loss thing, but they didn't put faith with him to be their go home guy, just as they didn't put trust in CM Punk to be the go home guy at the Rumble before then.

I am sure they are planning something, but I don't know what they are planning.

And Kevins Owens won after Braun helped him.

Brock was eliminated by Goldberg.
Goldberg was eliminated by Undertaker
Roman eliminated the Undertaker

This has the makings for an interesting setting for matches leaving more matches to have more questions being made afterwards.

Still The Elimination Chamber is coming and the winner that I didn't expect to win actually won which was Randy Orton.

Now who do we see another Randy Orton and John Cena match we have seen that several thousand times before and if it is a new era someone from the new era should be champion going into WrestleMania. And I would like to see a Bray vs. Luke Harper vs. Randy Orton for the WWE Title during WrestleMania. But this leaves the Question who does John Cena face.

I thought we would have clear answers, but the Rumble only throws you off more.

One match is certain

Seth vs. HHH.

As each week unfolds we will know. Does Undertaker get revenge on Roman Reigns taking him out of championship position, We can't see a Roman vs. Kevin Owens match again. They pushed Roman down our throats that he is better off being a heel as I said a long time ago amongst friends. I don't like him in the role he is in. I feel he could have an edge and would be a better heel champion than Kevin Owens. He is not The Rock and he can't be compared to him. He is a glorified big guy with an attitude and he needs to be in a role where people can shut him up. I am sick of this guy getting the push because of his family. I respect his family bloodline, but I don't respect that he is playing a role that he is not fit for.

Roman got the championship belt and Paul Orndorff a proven great in the ring based on his toughness never got the belt and also Rowdy Roddy Piper never got the belt. They were greats and deserved it. And Roman got it when he didn't pay his dues as these wrestlers have.

So if anyone wonders and says Roman never paid his dues, well he went to school and he got there, but a great wrestler will know how to be both a heel and face. This is what made Hulk Hogan good. I know this is a rant on Roman and I didn't want to go into it, but Roman being a face and this big deal based on his poor negative attitude upsets me. He lacks the charisma. I could picture Enzo more in the role that Roman is in or even a Sami Zayn.

Didn't mean to get on a rant about Roman, but something about him in the role he plays irritates me. He grew up in the business and I am sure he takes his blood seriously, but he has to be a bad guy. His Dad was a bad guy he should work of his attitude he grew up with elaborate and don't fake.

With The Rumble done, I wasn't impressed. It had a surprise ended, but it goes to show that they have a glass ceiling effect still into play. The have some one who is established have the championship belt in John Cena and then another established star who has been in it such as Randy Orton. I don't know if they are going backwards or back in time and are looking at the stars who have been there to be there again. But eventually Vince will have to let the new era take over. And you can't suppress it.

Believe it or not besides the Cruiserweights, Only a few Superstars made their debut on the Main Roster besides women. Raw has been lacking in their talent pull and very easily a Samoa Joe who is long overdue can be called up as their other stars including Shinsake Nakamura. But we will see.

I will add this. It is unfair for these Superstars to come and just wrestle when they haven't been their for awhile just to be in a WrestleMania. Undertaker I could see because he is an attraction kind of like how Andre the Giant was. HHH always has his match and the other stars. And I know their will be the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal.

The ending might have not been what is expected and the people who won, you say wtf, but if it's any indicator the WWE will turn blunders and make it into gold going into WrestleMania. We even saw The Miz vs. John Cena remember that. So anything is possible.

Clips is YouTube video footage from WWE of The Royal Rumble 2017

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Run Down with the My Surprise Picks and My Picks to Win for the Royal Rumble Match

With the Royal Rumble coming up in San Antonio it means WrestleMania Season is upon us. The Royal Rumble has been my favorite match all year and it has that feel to it and with it being the 30th year they are pulling no stops.

Here is what we know.

The Undertaker
Brock Lesner
Big Show
Randy Orton
Dean Ambrose
Chris Jericho
Bray Wyatt
Big Cass and Enzo
All of New Day
Luke Harper
Mojo Rawley
The Miz
Sheamus and Cesaro
Anderson and Gallows
Dolph Ziglar
The Lone Wolf Baron Corbin
Braun Strowman
and Sami Zayn

Which leaves room for about 4 more superstars who will enter the Royal Rumble, which means possible surprises NXT call ups former legends you name it there is always a surprise with the Rumble

First let me get to My 3 picks from NXT that I say will be in the Royal Rumble.

1. Samoa Joe: I feel Samoa Joe is ready and has been ready and now his run from NXT is coming to an end and someone like him is ready for a run he should have had many years ago.  He is a  Big Guy and added to this Royal Rumble he would be a good name to make an impact as he would this time.

2. Shinsake Nakamura or Booby Roode: I feel one of these wrestlers would get the call up atleast to make an appearance to be on the main Roster for WrestleMania. Both athletes are proven to be on the main roster and they would be ready to make an impact the coming year.

3. Finn Balor: If he is back and healthy. He would be ready to make an impact and would do what is necessary to make that impact in what would be his first Royal Rumble match.

4. Kane: Kane has a proven track record with the number of eliminations and he can only add to his record this Rumble.

5.  Kenny Omega: Who unseated AJ Styles as leader of the Bullet Club. And he said he is ready to win if they pick him to be in it.

With last minute changes and surprises a lot could happen and could impact the Rumble. The Prize at stake is going to be The Universal Championship or The WWE Championship should they decide where to go. It will be interesting and the surprises should there be many will be unexpected.

My choices to with the Favorite and the Sleeper pick

My choice or favorite to win the Royal Rumble is The Undertaker I feel if they are setting up the winner of a John Cena or AJ Styles match it will happen just the mere possibilities going into WrestleMania.

My Sleeper Pick is Sami Zayn: Sami Zayn is the Underdog and he would benefit a lot from fighting at the Main Event of WrestleMania. He is ready for a Hot Streak and rather it is Owens should he win Sunday or AJ Styles or John Cena it will be a Good Match. Sami Zayn takes the place of someone like a Daniel Bryan who was that underdog and they need and Underdog right now.

There are many possibilities going into WrestleMania these are just a few. Next week after Raw and Smackdown I will talk about the possibilities of Matches going into WrestleMania and try to have a possible Drafted card going into the biggest spectacular of them all.