It has been known that wrestling fans could shape the scope of who they like and don't. In the 80's, they routed for Hulk Hogan and cheered and booed for Ric Flair, they know who to cheer for and who to boo. It was black and white, their was no shades of grey. There was a balance.
I usually identify with the wrestling fans as an indicator of culture and cultures values. They will listen to a chrasmatic leader. They are the indicators of change and have predicted many things in society. They choose their heroes.
What is going on now is scary because Bray Wyatt is becoming popular like a cult hero. He reminds me of Raven, but Raven was booed. However, Bray is cheered. And they cheered him Rowen and Harper as they beat and won against John Cena all was legal. This society rejects the heroes they push down on us. They reject the phony heroes who live well even though they work hard. No knock on John Cena, he has done a lot for the business and has kept it going when wrestling wasn't popular, but maybe they think of him because of that. He held on to the throne and he has given many people a shot. But still, he has been good for too long in a society that is mixed on him and a wrestling world that is changing. John Cena carried the weight and now a whole company can is capable of carrying the weight.
Bray Wyatt is anti culture. and Anti Culture is big right now. Where John Cena is equivalent to Captain America, Bray Wyatt, Daniel Bryan, CM Punk are equivalent to X Men. It's societies celebrities are Lady Gaga, Johnny Depp, and Miley Cyrus and they are big right now. We are changing and counter culture is becoming big because the world is not right and it's rebelling against what is right.
We are a society that has turned Batman to the darkside and in a way it's fitting because the heroes are the villains in society. I know this to be true because they cheered when three guys beat up one man and perhaps they did they during the nWo days. And they cheered for DX.
The fact is our society is changing and they are more blatant in their cheers. And this generation coming up values what I value. I cheer for The Shield and Daniel Bryan and I even like Luke Harper. Their is no doubt they are great performers and they become the standard and have become big. They fight for a purpose. They had to turn the heat up in order for everyone to perform better. The Shield is like DX and Daniel Bryan is like Stone Cold. The only difference they are doing more right now.
What happens with societies values and why is it rebelling. Maybe because we are told what to think and the rich have all the money, they don't know how to work everything seems that it is easy for them. Someone who has an honest job can't make it any more. Someone with two jobs can't do it either and we have a problem on our hands. People are rebelling and want change. They want a better way of living.
It reminds me of what The Shield said about Evolution on the post game show. Their heart's aren't in it as they were before and their minds are everywhere else and sitting on their millions of dollars. This is what is wrong with the world. The rich have made it, but don't know how it is to be poor and hungry. This is why their is change in what is wrong with the world and why the fans have changed. I don't think it's wrong. I think balance needs to be restored in this world.
Monday, May 5, 2014
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
The Ultimate Warrior is Immortalized Forever
As many know for now, The Ultimate Warrior has past away yesterday and like the many wrestlers who passed on before him. He left a huge legacy behind. I'm not going to discuss his biggest achievement as beating Hulk Hogan in WrestleMania VI and it was, but I'm going to discuss what he said at the Hall of Fame three days before he passed on. It was where he want an award at the Hall of Fame dedicated to a person behind the scenes in WWE that has dedicated their life in making that production.
This is what makes the Ultimate Warrior who he was. On the biggest night of his life he thought about others and he thought about those that are not seen that make the show what it is. People spend a lot of time helping the wrestlers rather it is a mentor such as a former wrestler or a mentor in the person setting up the ring. For them their passion is to be a part of the show and it is their dream come true. They don't have to be seen, but their impact is seen all through their many matches. The Jimmy Merenda award. I might have his name pronounced wrong, but forgive me.
The Ultmate Warrior did a lot for wrestling. Mainly what he did to inspire the fans. I know a few people close to me were Ultimate Warrior fans. They believe in his message. They were routing for him to beat Hulk. And he deserves his place in the Hall of Fame.
I'll miss his youtube videos. He was always telling his fans to do something with their lives and not sit and do nothing. To act if you want to live your dreams. Many of the wrestlers today grew up to idolize The Ultimate Warrior and it's a shame he is gone. But he will live that legacy as a man and he left the power in the hands of the people as at the Final Raw of his life, he left the fans as the storytellers of it all.
Wrestling has changed and they have problems with booking with fans they can't please. This world has changed as The Ultimate Warrior departed. Maybe it wants to change and it needed to find it's soul again as The Ultimate Warrior reminded us one last time. He will be missed.
This is what makes the Ultimate Warrior who he was. On the biggest night of his life he thought about others and he thought about those that are not seen that make the show what it is. People spend a lot of time helping the wrestlers rather it is a mentor such as a former wrestler or a mentor in the person setting up the ring. For them their passion is to be a part of the show and it is their dream come true. They don't have to be seen, but their impact is seen all through their many matches. The Jimmy Merenda award. I might have his name pronounced wrong, but forgive me.
The Ultmate Warrior did a lot for wrestling. Mainly what he did to inspire the fans. I know a few people close to me were Ultimate Warrior fans. They believe in his message. They were routing for him to beat Hulk. And he deserves his place in the Hall of Fame.
I'll miss his youtube videos. He was always telling his fans to do something with their lives and not sit and do nothing. To act if you want to live your dreams. Many of the wrestlers today grew up to idolize The Ultimate Warrior and it's a shame he is gone. But he will live that legacy as a man and he left the power in the hands of the people as at the Final Raw of his life, he left the fans as the storytellers of it all.
Wrestling has changed and they have problems with booking with fans they can't please. This world has changed as The Ultimate Warrior departed. Maybe it wants to change and it needed to find it's soul again as The Ultimate Warrior reminded us one last time. He will be missed.
Friday, February 28, 2014
On the First Week of the WWE Network
It's amazing to see the WWE Network come about. It is not a typical Cable TV station, but they have made the transition to what will be the next major transition to Cable TV and on demand TV and that is a streaming TV or online network. They broke through on something that I'm sure every network is planning on doing. Sure there has been content online such as a streaming network such as Netflix or youtube, but having a network is something else and they have been working at this for awhile and with the content they have they could go on for days just with the stuff they had last year and the stuff they are currently working on. However, they have old footage from most of the territories they bought out.
Even though there are complaints with the footage it contains and I even have complaints and I will discuss it in this blog, but I will end on a positive note.
Some complaints I had were that I had some streaming issues. It paused or shut off when I was watching. Either it could be technical on their end or poor internet service on my end, but all I know it has improved since the beginning of the week.
Also, there wasn't a lot of old WCW, NWA, Mid South Wrestling, or AWA footage yet. I was especially a fan of WCW and NWA as I was WWE and they had contributed to wrestling just as much. I feel this material would add to the network instead of playing a lot of replays on material. I'm sure they are putting some stuff together because it's the first week and they want to give the WWE Universe a taste, but eventually they are going to have to add some shows.
Also, I didn't see a Primetime Wrestling, Old WWF Superstars or WWF Challenge recap or even a Saturday Night's Main Event or Clash of the Champions in their list of Pay Per Views. They were just important. And a Raw and Smackdown recap for the week.
However, I'm not going to just critique, it is the first week and they are doing the best they can. They have had old material in the work for awhile that they are finally releasing. They have the entire library of Pay Per Views of WWE, WCW, and ECW. They showed some shows from WCCW and ECW. They showed new shows such as Wrestlemania Rewind, Countdown, and shows featuring the NXT which could eventually become the next major promotion even bigger then TNA and this is a farm system of WWE.
All in all after the first week it hasn't been that bad and it is overwhelming to keep up with. I have to make sometime out of my schedule to watch some of it and I don't have that much time. Other Networks on TV have a lot of material, but don't have that much on there. And I'm sure if they did a network like this it would be overwhelming and I'm sure they are ready for it. And for what they have on it for $9.99 a month it's worth it. Better then what we would pay for some premium stations. And for the material it's a steal. Normally you would buy a pay per view for $50 and old pay per views for $5 or more so that alone it is worth it.
I'm happy that the WWE Network is finally here and I know many are complaining about it, but rest assure they know what they are doing and even if it is the beginning stage. It is impossible to cover everything all at once. I'm sure they are going to do their themes and focus on different stars and all that stuff. So give it some time it's only week one. I'm looking foward to see what they do when they are more established and what kind of programing they come up with and what they will evolve into.
Maybe it will be something for everyone, The old, the new, and something in between. Maybe everyone will enjoy the WWE Network eventually.
Even though there are complaints with the footage it contains and I even have complaints and I will discuss it in this blog, but I will end on a positive note.
Some complaints I had were that I had some streaming issues. It paused or shut off when I was watching. Either it could be technical on their end or poor internet service on my end, but all I know it has improved since the beginning of the week.
Also, there wasn't a lot of old WCW, NWA, Mid South Wrestling, or AWA footage yet. I was especially a fan of WCW and NWA as I was WWE and they had contributed to wrestling just as much. I feel this material would add to the network instead of playing a lot of replays on material. I'm sure they are putting some stuff together because it's the first week and they want to give the WWE Universe a taste, but eventually they are going to have to add some shows.
Also, I didn't see a Primetime Wrestling, Old WWF Superstars or WWF Challenge recap or even a Saturday Night's Main Event or Clash of the Champions in their list of Pay Per Views. They were just important. And a Raw and Smackdown recap for the week.
However, I'm not going to just critique, it is the first week and they are doing the best they can. They have had old material in the work for awhile that they are finally releasing. They have the entire library of Pay Per Views of WWE, WCW, and ECW. They showed some shows from WCCW and ECW. They showed new shows such as Wrestlemania Rewind, Countdown, and shows featuring the NXT which could eventually become the next major promotion even bigger then TNA and this is a farm system of WWE.
All in all after the first week it hasn't been that bad and it is overwhelming to keep up with. I have to make sometime out of my schedule to watch some of it and I don't have that much time. Other Networks on TV have a lot of material, but don't have that much on there. And I'm sure if they did a network like this it would be overwhelming and I'm sure they are ready for it. And for what they have on it for $9.99 a month it's worth it. Better then what we would pay for some premium stations. And for the material it's a steal. Normally you would buy a pay per view for $50 and old pay per views for $5 or more so that alone it is worth it.
I'm happy that the WWE Network is finally here and I know many are complaining about it, but rest assure they know what they are doing and even if it is the beginning stage. It is impossible to cover everything all at once. I'm sure they are going to do their themes and focus on different stars and all that stuff. So give it some time it's only week one. I'm looking foward to see what they do when they are more established and what kind of programing they come up with and what they will evolve into.
Maybe it will be something for everyone, The old, the new, and something in between. Maybe everyone will enjoy the WWE Network eventually.
Wolfman Joe,
WWE Network
Sunday, February 2, 2014
The Wrestler of the Week: Hulk Hogan Part 3
This will wrap up the series of the wrestler of the week on Hulk Hogan. When I last left off I discussed about his last run in WCW. After WCW closed, He came to the WWE as Hollywood Hulk Hogan to be apart of the nWo for the last time. And it was to set up his feud with The Rock for the stage of Wrestlemania. In a great match Hogan lost to The Rock, but he earned his crowd back. Then Hollywood became Hulk again. And he was cheered 20 minutes when he came out on Raw the day after. He later on and beat HHH for the championship and lost it to The Undertaker. He was putting over talent when he came back.
He left and then came back to feud with Vince McMahon where the fought at Wrestlemania. He then later became Mr. America in the feud with Vince before he left. He came back twice more once to team with Shawn Micheals and the fight him and beat him on Summer Slam and another time to feud with Randy Orton and feud with him at Summer Slam.
He then left and resurfaced in TNA where he fought Ric Flair and Sting before retiring from wrestling do to injuries, but he stayed in it as General Manager and he became Immortal. He later feuded with Bully Ray and then Dixie Carter before he left and now his next chapter is up in the air.
Bully Ray,
Hulk Hogan,
Shawn Micheals,
The Rock,
Wolfman Joe,
Sunday, January 26, 2014
WWE Sucks
I am writing this blog out of anger and me being pissed off at what the WWE is doing with it's programing. First I want to discuss what happened with the Royal Rumble that made me angry. And for one they keep the status quo without changing anything around. They push the same crappy guys that they have for 10 years. John Cena is stale and is at the point Hogan was at when he formed the nWo. How much more could he do as a good guy. He has no more left to prove. Randy Orton the champ is the worst champ since David Arquette in WCW. He doesn't belong in that spot and that main event was horrific to get through. If it wasn't for The Wyatts ending that match It could have continued the train reck that happened on air. Seeing those two wrestle reminded me of watching an Alberto Del Rio match as champion last year and that was bad. Also, Brock he now wants to be in the title picture, bring guys who have done it all for what. He's the beast, but how much further could you go with that gimmick.
Let me get to the Animal Batista now, the Damn Royal Rumble Victor. He comes back one time wins the rumble when you have guys in the locker room who are more deserving. What about Daniel Bryan who didn't even get entered in the Royal Rumble, who the WWE company is burying. Why would they bury what could be the next superstar icon in the WWE. And even if he didn't win there was Roman Reigns where it could have elevated him to the next level in what he needs in his career right now.
But no they gave it to the Animal Batista who came back one time in how many years. This is why I say WWE sucks and they have been putting on crappy pay per views for since Summer Slam. It's just not right what they are doing. Who wants to see a part time wrestler headline Wrestlemania. Only part time wrestler I want to see headline is Undertaker.
WWE you better take a look at what your doing and what you have and if you keep on going this way you will sink faster then the Titanic. The crowd were selling out before and now you have 90 % the crowd. Give the ball to Daniel Bryan and let him run with it. You need that now. Listen to your fans. It's what made Hulk Hogan big. But you don't push him because you don't believe he could run with the ball. This is the new era. They don't want to see Superman any more they want to see the average Joe on top.
You really need to listen to your demographic and you can't drown out the crowd with music and announcing. For God Sake you wasted a spot on JBL. That could have been Daniel Bryan's spot. You better think about what you are doing. That is why WWE Sucks.
Let me get to the Animal Batista now, the Damn Royal Rumble Victor. He comes back one time wins the rumble when you have guys in the locker room who are more deserving. What about Daniel Bryan who didn't even get entered in the Royal Rumble, who the WWE company is burying. Why would they bury what could be the next superstar icon in the WWE. And even if he didn't win there was Roman Reigns where it could have elevated him to the next level in what he needs in his career right now.
But no they gave it to the Animal Batista who came back one time in how many years. This is why I say WWE sucks and they have been putting on crappy pay per views for since Summer Slam. It's just not right what they are doing. Who wants to see a part time wrestler headline Wrestlemania. Only part time wrestler I want to see headline is Undertaker.
WWE you better take a look at what your doing and what you have and if you keep on going this way you will sink faster then the Titanic. The crowd were selling out before and now you have 90 % the crowd. Give the ball to Daniel Bryan and let him run with it. You need that now. Listen to your fans. It's what made Hulk Hogan big. But you don't push him because you don't believe he could run with the ball. This is the new era. They don't want to see Superman any more they want to see the average Joe on top.
You really need to listen to your demographic and you can't drown out the crowd with music and announcing. For God Sake you wasted a spot on JBL. That could have been Daniel Bryan's spot. You better think about what you are doing. That is why WWE Sucks.
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Wrestler of the Week: "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan Part 2
The Wrestler of the Week is the same as this week, Hollywood Hulk Hogan. With time constraints it is difficult to fit everything this man has done so here we go.
Last time I left off I spoke about his rivalry with Sgt. Slaughter and his lost to Yokozuna. After he left he did a series called Thunder in Paradise.At this time he was heavily recruited by Ted Turner and his WCW. In 1994 they made a big deal of him coming there and set up Bash at the Beach 1994 with Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair. This was the rivalry that eventually sparked the beginning of WCW Monday Nitro who was run by Eric Bischoff.
He feud with Jimmy Hart's first family and the young Giant now the Big Show. And then Hulk Hogan grew darker and left for a little bit. His change and transformation was soon to come.
At Bash at the Beach 1996 Hollywood would be born as he turned on the Macho Man and WCW to form the nWo. His main rivalry was with Sting, but he also had a rivalry between Lex Luger, DDP, The Giant, Macho Man Randy Savage, Rowdy Roddy Piper, and Goldberg to name a few. And then he had his epic match with Sting at Starrcade 1997, where he lost, but he would win it back.
As his run with Hollywood came to an end, he had a match that switched him as face and Ric Flair as heel and Hollywood left only to come back ready to be Hulk again and in a match on WCW Monday Nitro. Hulk Hogan dawned the red and yellow once again.
He mainly feuded with Ric Flair until Russo came and didn't do much afterwards and then WCW died. This left Hogan to go back to WWE for a few short runs which I will discuss in the next Wrestler of the Week Part 3 on Hulk Hogan with his return in WWE and his TNA arrival.
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Wrestler of the Week: "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan Part I
Last week I did Ric Flair and what kind of wrestling fan would I be not to put Hulk Hogan. Hulk Hogan defined professional wrestling for his era. He has done so much for wrestling to put it mainstream. Hulk had the charisma and he knew how to work the crowd simply by being the Hulk. He was the best of wrestlers, but with the moves he had and the ring psychology he was a master.
In the 1970's, Hulk went to school and was going to become a musician. This never came to be. He had a greater calling ahead of him. That was when he was trained by Hiro Matsuda and became a wrestler. Hiro was serious about wrestling and as Hulk would know if he was not serious, his body part would be broken as Hulk would soon find out. Hulk came back.
He wrestled shows with Andre the Giant as a heel in the WWE, I think it was the WWWF at that time. Then he was fired for staring in Rocky III with Sylvester Stallone. His career then went to stardom. He then went to the AWA to feud with Nick Bockwinkel. Hulk's stardom was rising and he left back to the WWE because he wasn't getting his fair due and to become champion. Vince hired him back a few years later after Vince Sr. hired him. Hulk Hogan was Vince's man and he ran with the ball for 10 years.
Bob Backlund reintroduced Hulk Hogan's after a match with the Wild Samoans and Hulk then challenged the Iron Sheik where he won the WWE championship belt. He later on went to feud with Rowdy Roddy Piper which had the War to Settle the Score. It introduced Rock and Wrestling where it was new and innovative for the time. It set up the first Wrestlemania main event with Hulk Hogan and Mr. T vs. Rowdy Piper and Paul Orndorff.
His next big feud was with Paul Orndorff which very well could have main evented Wrestlemania III, but they had something bigger and that was Hulk Hogan's feud with Andre the Giant. His match with Andre the Giant was Hulk's peak for his run as champion.
He then developed a feud with Macho Man Randy Savage at Wrestlemania V. There was a personal story with there feud. And you can't blame Macho Man Randy Savage for his jealousy then especially after how Hulk acted on air. I thought Macho was the face. But a good feud for Hogan with wrestling.
He put over the Ultimate Warrior at Wrestlemania VI. Where Hulk Hogan lost clean. When someone beat the Hulk, Hogan made that victory count.
He then ran with the ball again as Hulk was the go to guy against Sgt. Slaughter.
He ended his big run in WWE when he lost against the Yokozuna.
Hulk was exhausted and went away from wrestling for a little bit and when he came back he would soon innovate the wrestling world once again in what would be called the Monday Night Wars.
Next week I will continue the Wrestler of the Week with Hollywood Hulk Hogan.
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Wrestler of the Week: Ric Flair
This segment on the blog is Wrestler of the Week. This could be a past, present or upcoming wrestler that is trying to make it in the business. The Masked Man David Shoemaker started in his blog in the beginning charting the dead wrestler of the week. This is just the Wrestler of the week. There have been many wrestlers and although it is difficult to chronicle all of them I will try to do one a week. For this week I will do a Short Bio of Ric Flair for the Wrestler of the Week.
Ric Flair who turns 65 years old this year is still willing to fight and style and profile as the Nature Boy could. This week he gave a motivational speech for the 49ers and they won. Who better to deliver a speech then him. This is a testament of his career and a career that witnessed so much.
First, let me start off the story with a plane wreck that paralyzed a wrestler, killed the pilot and gave Ric Flair a serious back injury in where he was told he would never wrestle again. 30 years later and he wrestled.
He had an epic battle with Harley Race in 1983 and it was called The Flair for the Gold. He came back from injury and worked his way for the main event at the first Starcade and won the championship belt.
Then, he had a classic feud with Dusty Rhodes where Dusty claimed he had hard times on him and his family.
He had which could have been the best heel group in wrestling called the 4 Horseman which caused havoc on the NWA and then the WCW. Even though the later versions were watered down.
In 1991, he claimed that he was the real world champion and challenged Hulk Hogan. He eventually won the Royal Rumble to become the WWE champion.
He came back to the WCW, where he became champ again and helped launch Hulk Hogan's career at WCW at Bash at the Beach 1994
His legacy then continued as he came to the WWE as scripted as co-owner of the company. But his greatest matches and accomplishments happened in a group known as Evolution. He was giving back to the business and trying to teach Randy Orton and Batista about wrestling and he even gave back to all the young wrestlers he wrestled.
He even had epic battles with HHH, Randy Orton, and Edge. He became tag team champion and Intercontinental Champion. Out of how well he wrestled and stayed young despite his age.
He retired from the WWE with a match against Shawn Micheals at Wrestlemania.
He then went to TNA where he managed a heel group called Fortune.
Now he is enjoying he retirement only as Flair could, "A limosine riding, jet flying, wheeling dealing, son of a gun." He has proven a lot in his career and worthy enough to be The First Wrestler of the Week.
Friday, January 10, 2014
Review of Part 2 of WWE Legends of Mid-South Wrestling
To quote Rowdy Roddy Piper in Wrestling terms, Mid-South Wrestling was ECW before ECW was ECW. It had a hard wrestling style and Cowboy Bill Watts believed in no mats. It was a tough place to work, but all the legends worked there.
First, this DVD featured the feud between Hacksaw Butch Reed and the Junk Yard Dog. As was said in the DVD Butch was more of a wrestler and didn't have much charisma and the JYD had the charisma. The DVD featured a Ghetto Street Fight. Butch was jealous that he didn't have was the JYD had. Who could argue with him on that one.
Second, it featured some of the classic feud between the Midnight Express managed by Jim Cornette and the Rock N Roll Express. This was the greatest tag team feud at the time. There was feuds in WWF but they can't match the classic rivalry of this feud that these two teams had and this DVD featured some matches from this feud.
Then, Shawn Micheals discusses how Ted Dibiase elevated his career. Shawn was saying that he is a class act and helped put him over even if he was a jobber at that time. Shawn many years later elevated himself to one of the greatest wrestlers of this time.
Finally, on Part 2 of this DVD, Terry Talyor discusses his big match with Ric Flair at the Silverdome in Lousiana. Terry was mentioning that Ric was hung over drunk when he got there. He then told him to get him a cup of coffee and wake him up in an hour. He came to the ring and looked immaculate and took him to a 45 minute match and Ric Flair won. Terry Taylor was winded and Ric could have gone all not long. It's what made Ric one of the greats.
This was a good part of the DVD. I enjoyed the rivalries and the back story behind the events. This would have been a good promotion to watch and I wish I had watched more of it at the time, but by the time I started to watch it channel 68 on TV in my town in NJ became the Home Shopping Network. More reason why I'm exciting to see the WWE Network. As for Mid South Wrestling it was a great promotion at the time, but they couldn't compete with The WWF now WWE and the NWA or WCW. A lot changed in how wrestling was run, but we could respect what they had accomplished for wrestling.
Hacksaw Butch Reed,
Jim Cornette,
Junk Yard Dog,
Mid-South Wrestling,
Midnight Express,
Ric Flair,
Rock N Roll Express,
Shawn Micheals,
Ted Dibiase,
Terry Taylor,
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Commentary on Ground Breaking Announcement for WWE Network
The WWE has came to a time where they finally announced the WWE Network. They have answered a lot of questions that have been asked for along time. They answered how much it will cost. They answered on what platforms it will be on. They answered what they will content will be on the WWE Network as speculated. And they mentioned how it will work. In case you missed the coverage that has been buzzing or you are curious in reading my review here is what they discussed at their announcement in Las Vegas, Nevada.
First, they mentioned that it will be a Online Streaming site a 24/7 service. You could go back to the programing any time if you missed it and it reminds you of future programing.
As for programming, It will feature new shows, NXT, WWE Superstars, a replay of Raw and Smackdown, Old contents from former wrestling shows from other promotions, Old pay per views from WWE, WCW, and ECW. Also, the finale, it will feature all 12 Pay Per Views including Wrestlemania. And I'm sure I might be missing other material they have.
They are taking a gamble and are revolutionizing the way they do things. They didn't say they are getting rid of the pay per views on TV, but they did mention the price and for all they offer they are giving it away for $9.99 a month. And for all of what they offer it is worth it and a steal.
The launch date for the WWE Network is February 24, 2014 at 11:05 PM on Monday after Raw.
This seems like a revolutionary concept and it will be the new wave of the future.
1984 was a year that changed how wrestling was done. Vince McMahon started to utilize Cable TV and marketing with his main man Hulk Hogan and Hulkamania. It revolutionized how sports entertainment started to operate. It took wrestling out of the dark ages.
Since then, 30 years later about almost 30 years to the day when Hulk Hogan beat the Iron Shiek for the WWE title, on January 8, 2014, they announced the launch of the WWE Network.
It is the first network of it's kind mainstream wise to be online. There hasn't been a network to do this and it's a gamble, but a gamble that might pay off. They could change the way of entertainment is done for the internet.
WWE has come along way from where it started and now it could start a new trend in entertainment. Vince has had ideas and with this network he utilizes all the effort of wrestlers from the past who have worked to that moment. Vince might have clawed his way to victory, but he has succeed in his journey. The WWE Universe has him to thank for all that he has accomplished.
Thank you, Vince.
First, they mentioned that it will be a Online Streaming site a 24/7 service. You could go back to the programing any time if you missed it and it reminds you of future programing.
As for programming, It will feature new shows, NXT, WWE Superstars, a replay of Raw and Smackdown, Old contents from former wrestling shows from other promotions, Old pay per views from WWE, WCW, and ECW. Also, the finale, it will feature all 12 Pay Per Views including Wrestlemania. And I'm sure I might be missing other material they have.
They are taking a gamble and are revolutionizing the way they do things. They didn't say they are getting rid of the pay per views on TV, but they did mention the price and for all they offer they are giving it away for $9.99 a month. And for all of what they offer it is worth it and a steal.
The launch date for the WWE Network is February 24, 2014 at 11:05 PM on Monday after Raw.
This seems like a revolutionary concept and it will be the new wave of the future.
1984 was a year that changed how wrestling was done. Vince McMahon started to utilize Cable TV and marketing with his main man Hulk Hogan and Hulkamania. It revolutionized how sports entertainment started to operate. It took wrestling out of the dark ages.
Since then, 30 years later about almost 30 years to the day when Hulk Hogan beat the Iron Shiek for the WWE title, on January 8, 2014, they announced the launch of the WWE Network.
It is the first network of it's kind mainstream wise to be online. There hasn't been a network to do this and it's a gamble, but a gamble that might pay off. They could change the way of entertainment is done for the internet.
WWE has come along way from where it started and now it could start a new trend in entertainment. Vince has had ideas and with this network he utilizes all the effort of wrestlers from the past who have worked to that moment. Vince might have clawed his way to victory, but he has succeed in his journey. The WWE Universe has him to thank for all that he has accomplished.
Thank you, Vince.
Hulk Hogan,
Iron Shiek,
Vince McMahon,
WWE Network
Monday, January 6, 2014
Jake the Snake Roberts return on Old School Raw
I was happy to see Jake the Snake Roberts back to WWE Raw and if he makes his comeback, he could be the inspirational wrestler of the year. He has comeback through hell and he wanted to make a change. He wanted to live a better life than he has. And sure he has squandered his money and has faced addiction, but with support from friends and DDP he has a second lease on life and his determination as he entered the ring today was none other than what makes moments in wrestling mean something.
I have followed Jake the Snake Roberts progress online and I know he might fall sometimes, but it's all apart of being human and his dream of maybe entering the Rumble and winning might come true. Jake is a legend in the business. He has trained many of the greats and he still has a lot to prove. For Jake to put over The Shield it is out of respect for what they have done for the business and for Jake to comeback it is what story making is all about.
Jake has been through a lot and it is good that fans still care. It is the Legends who take their place in history to be great and when a legend comes back out of retirement it is something special. And Jake made it special tonight on Old School Raw.
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Brief Review of Legends of Mid South Wrestling DVD Part 1
Out of many things I will do on this blog, one of them will be Wrestling DVD reviews. For this week or next week whenever I will finish the DVD set the first one will be WWE Legends of Mid South Wrestling. I will featured a brief review on the first part today and then later the other parts.
First, I learned of the promotion that produced the who's who of professional wrestling. When somebody who is a wrestling fan thinks of old promotions they think of the then WWF, NWA, AWA, World Class Championship Wrestling, and in the later years ECW. They don't think of Mid South Wrestling. Mid South Wrestling was located near Lousiana and it's impact was great. Greater then I first realized. It housed stars such as Andre the Giant, Ted Dibiase Sr. Better known as the Million Dollar Man, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, the Junk Yard Dog, The Midnight Express with Jim Cornette, Magnum TA, and with ring announcer Jim Ross.
The first major segment of the DVD featured the Junk Yard Dog. The JYD was a charismatic character who might have been more popular than Ric Flair in his area. The JYD in this promotion was over. In the DVD it was said that were chanting his name from start to the finish of the card. They had loved to see him. I only saw him when he was in the WWF now WWE and he was over then. It was a thrill to see old footage of him.
The Ted Dibiase segment was before JYD, but I will discuss briefly about him now with the Rat Pack featuring Ted Dibiase, Jim Duggan, and Matt Borne, who is better known for his role as Doink the Clown in WWE. I could misquote Jim Duggan on the DVD, but he said Ted Dibiase was the smarts, he was the brawn and Matt Borne was the jerk of the group. Borne and Duggan didn't get along and this created a split between Duggan and Dibiase. They even had a tuxedo coal miners glove match in a steel cage. You don't see those gimmick matches that much any more.
They had a Tony Atlas segment where he benched 550 pounds.
And they featured segments with Magnum TA and Mr. Wrestling II. Mr. Wrestling II was Magnum TA's manager and one day Mr. Wrestling II had turned on Magnum TA. This made him a star because it got him over with the fans. Magnum TA had that special look of a wrestling in that time that he could have been one of the great had it not been for his motorcycle accident. He got his start though at Mid South Wrestling.
All this is new stuff for me to watch. I don't remember that much of Mid South Wrestling. I was only a kid then. I only saw some of the UWF at the tale end which was MSW. It was a thrill to see old time wrestling in new light. I've been absorbed with a lot of WWF material that it is good to appreciate the old stuff. On that note this is The Wolf Review and this is Wolfman Joe.
The first major segment of the DVD featured the Junk Yard Dog. The JYD was a charismatic character who might have been more popular than Ric Flair in his area. The JYD in this promotion was over. In the DVD it was said that were chanting his name from start to the finish of the card. They had loved to see him. I only saw him when he was in the WWF now WWE and he was over then. It was a thrill to see old footage of him.
The Ted Dibiase segment was before JYD, but I will discuss briefly about him now with the Rat Pack featuring Ted Dibiase, Jim Duggan, and Matt Borne, who is better known for his role as Doink the Clown in WWE. I could misquote Jim Duggan on the DVD, but he said Ted Dibiase was the smarts, he was the brawn and Matt Borne was the jerk of the group. Borne and Duggan didn't get along and this created a split between Duggan and Dibiase. They even had a tuxedo coal miners glove match in a steel cage. You don't see those gimmick matches that much any more.
They had a Tony Atlas segment where he benched 550 pounds.
And they featured segments with Magnum TA and Mr. Wrestling II. Mr. Wrestling II was Magnum TA's manager and one day Mr. Wrestling II had turned on Magnum TA. This made him a star because it got him over with the fans. Magnum TA had that special look of a wrestling in that time that he could have been one of the great had it not been for his motorcycle accident. He got his start though at Mid South Wrestling.
All this is new stuff for me to watch. I don't remember that much of Mid South Wrestling. I was only a kid then. I only saw some of the UWF at the tale end which was MSW. It was a thrill to see old time wrestling in new light. I've been absorbed with a lot of WWF material that it is good to appreciate the old stuff. On that note this is The Wolf Review and this is Wolfman Joe.
Andre the Giant,
Jim Cornette,
Jim Duggan,
Jim Ross,
Junk Yard Dog,
Magnum TA,
Mid South Wrestling,
Mr. Wrestling II,
Ric Flair,
Ted Dibiase,
The Midnight Express,
Tony Atlas,
Wolfman Joe
Introduction to The Wolfman Joe's Woods
Hello everybody I'm Wolfman Joe and this is The Wolfman Joe's Woods. You may be wondering about the name. And I will explain a story in due time. But I will discuss about the format of my blog. I will discuss about wrestling entertainment. Just like Pipers Pit this will go over the controversy of wrestling. It will remind you of an era past as I could remember it and it will remind you of the frustrations of a new. From Ric Flair to Daniel Bryan and from the nWo to The Shield. And as DDP said "They love me, they hate me and they'll never forget me." This site will be remembered.
Why a wrestling site? Are there many of them? As Daniel Bryan would say Yes Yes Yes. But I am adding my take. And I'll look back at Storylines of old and new the good, bad and ugly. Enough of my endless rant on wrestling I think my blog will speak for itself.
I'd like to do a wrestler of the week and go over Storylines I will cover important segments on Raw and some Payperview stuff. It should be interesting. This is The Wolfman Joe's Woods.
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